Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So Very Excited!!!

So, I am super psyched because on Thursday we are going to Missouri to visit katie and I am just way to excited for words. I know this is the ultimate silliness but on Friday Bethany and A.j. are having a big party their house and everyone and their second cousin is coming. Well, anyways the point is it's supposed to be a costume party of sorts and I must admit that I adore costume party's and I love to dress up. I am still trying to think of something good for mom to wear, I am wearing my 50's outfit from the halloween party at church last year.
Well, in drama last night Billie was in charge and so we were writing a skit together as a group and it was highly hysterical. I'm not to hot at the whole thing but it was fun to laugh at the funny ideas people had for the skit and imagine how hilarious it will be when finished. I do love drama, except for improv >:oP. lol
Anyways, I have jsut about run out of interesting things to say and I have a health quiz that needs to be studied for. So goodbye for now....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Decisions, decisions....

So, I have been trying to think about college lately and it is so....how can I describe it? I can't ever even decide what restaurant to go to and here I am trying to decide where to spend the next four years of life. Lets jsut say this is craziness. So thats my life right now.
By the way I apologize for not blogging for so long but I am going through that stage of blogging where I say to myself "Why blog? no one is reading it anyways." so thats why it's been so long. Anyways other than to complain about the normal decisions that I have to make I have nothing really of consequence to talk about so now that I no longer am feeling guilt from my blogger neglectance I will now go.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

*Sigh* of happiness

That wonderful, crazy, awful skit I have been stressing over for the last three or four weeks is finally over! done! And all went well. If fact I think it went well [not to brag or anything :o)].
Well, I had my first graduation meeting, and well, it is definently homeschool. Thats all that I'm saying except that it went okay and I survived ;o). tonight in choir we started practicing the Hallelujah Chorus and it is so exiting, it sounded so good! Although I did have Konnie singing in my ear the whole time, so that might be a major reason why it sounded good. lol. Regardless I am super excited about christmas practice. But I think I've mentioned that about a hundred times in the past three weeks. I am typing this on a flexable keyboard on my lap and it's very difficult and very weird. Anyways I better scoot. sorry about the totally random, scattered post.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dreaming of Neverland

I was just thinking about leaving a comment on Katie's blog to try (fruitlessly) to get her to post a new blog but before I could I was striken with guilt that I hadn't blogged for awhile. So here I am with seriously nothing new to share and yet I feel honor bound to this little thing called posting a blog. I am now trying to decide if I have written enough and me, myself, and I have come to the executive desicion that I need to write more.
That said, I have found something slightly interesting in the archives of my mind. This Saturday is my first graduation meeting and I keep thinking "Am I ready for this?". But I keep remembering what Debbie Caddell told me a few weeks ago, that it may seem odd to grow up but it's just a stage in this thing called life and we are all in some sort of stage. I love her dearly for that little bit of wisdom! I may seem obvious but it has keep me from freaking out alot lately and for that I am thankful! ;o).
Anyways, I am kind of excited about this meeting, it jsut still seems so...odd...I guess. And I'm not sure I want to grow up, but I'm not all that sure I want to stay where I am now. If my genie couold grant me three wishes I think they would be 1. for solitude, 2. to make Peter Pan real, and 3. let me go live with Peter forever in Neverland. I do believe I am silly! Anywho, I think I am very,very sleepy and here soon I shall start rambling if I don't go.

so, goodnight!