Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So Very Excited!!!

So, I am super psyched because on Thursday we are going to Missouri to visit katie and I am just way to excited for words. I know this is the ultimate silliness but on Friday Bethany and A.j. are having a big party their house and everyone and their second cousin is coming. Well, anyways the point is it's supposed to be a costume party of sorts and I must admit that I adore costume party's and I love to dress up. I am still trying to think of something good for mom to wear, I am wearing my 50's outfit from the halloween party at church last year.
Well, in drama last night Billie was in charge and so we were writing a skit together as a group and it was highly hysterical. I'm not to hot at the whole thing but it was fun to laugh at the funny ideas people had for the skit and imagine how hilarious it will be when finished. I do love drama, except for improv >:oP. lol
Anyways, I have jsut about run out of interesting things to say and I have a health quiz that needs to be studied for. So goodbye for now....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Decisions, decisions....

So, I have been trying to think about college lately and it is so....how can I describe it? I can't ever even decide what restaurant to go to and here I am trying to decide where to spend the next four years of life. Lets jsut say this is craziness. So thats my life right now.
By the way I apologize for not blogging for so long but I am going through that stage of blogging where I say to myself "Why blog? no one is reading it anyways." so thats why it's been so long. Anyways other than to complain about the normal decisions that I have to make I have nothing really of consequence to talk about so now that I no longer am feeling guilt from my blogger neglectance I will now go.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

*Sigh* of happiness

That wonderful, crazy, awful skit I have been stressing over for the last three or four weeks is finally over! done! And all went well. If fact I think it went well [not to brag or anything :o)].
Well, I had my first graduation meeting, and well, it is definently homeschool. Thats all that I'm saying except that it went okay and I survived ;o). tonight in choir we started practicing the Hallelujah Chorus and it is so exiting, it sounded so good! Although I did have Konnie singing in my ear the whole time, so that might be a major reason why it sounded good. lol. Regardless I am super excited about christmas practice. But I think I've mentioned that about a hundred times in the past three weeks. I am typing this on a flexable keyboard on my lap and it's very difficult and very weird. Anyways I better scoot. sorry about the totally random, scattered post.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dreaming of Neverland

I was just thinking about leaving a comment on Katie's blog to try (fruitlessly) to get her to post a new blog but before I could I was striken with guilt that I hadn't blogged for awhile. So here I am with seriously nothing new to share and yet I feel honor bound to this little thing called posting a blog. I am now trying to decide if I have written enough and me, myself, and I have come to the executive desicion that I need to write more.
That said, I have found something slightly interesting in the archives of my mind. This Saturday is my first graduation meeting and I keep thinking "Am I ready for this?". But I keep remembering what Debbie Caddell told me a few weeks ago, that it may seem odd to grow up but it's just a stage in this thing called life and we are all in some sort of stage. I love her dearly for that little bit of wisdom! I may seem obvious but it has keep me from freaking out alot lately and for that I am thankful! ;o).
Anyways, I am kind of excited about this meeting, it jsut still seems so...odd...I guess. And I'm not sure I want to grow up, but I'm not all that sure I want to stay where I am now. If my genie couold grant me three wishes I think they would be 1. for solitude, 2. to make Peter Pan real, and 3. let me go live with Peter forever in Neverland. I do believe I am silly! Anywho, I think I am very,very sleepy and here soon I shall start rambling if I don't go.

so, goodnight!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

fall fever...

I believe I have developed a HORRID case of Fall Fever. From my observations it is quite similar to Spring Fever except that it is in fact autumn. I am sick of this house, of school, of my life in general and I am quite ready for summer! If you have any remedies for this dreadful virus known to effect us highschool students please let me know. ;o)

should be studying...

Isn't that the theme if my life? I should be studying--but I'm not. I think I've mentioned this but I really am ready to say to phooey on school of ay kind. Sometimes I wish I had Pam's natural love for studying, but alas....
Anyway, I am super duper excited because tomorrow choir is starting christmas practice and I jsut love christmas!! Also tomorrow is the first day of Oct. which by my rules means I can listen to christmas music without guilt! yay!!
OHHH...I got my scores back for my ACT, and well I don't really know why I'm so excited...I did okay. But I am not satified by a long shot. I am re-taking it sometime in winter and hopefully with a lot of frantic studying I will do better the second time around.
Well, sorry for this scattered and rather pointless post but I do believe I should get some stuying done.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

drama, drama...

Youth drama tonight was good, for which I am very glad. I've been slightly stressed over this all and was a bit nervous about tonight. But we got everything accomplished that I wanted to get done and I think we had fun along the way. I love having fun but a few times we have had fun and yet not getting drama-like things done. And that is not a happy thing.
The adult drama skit that we are doing next is going well. We had a practice tonight and it's super good and very dramatic ;o). Anyways, I don't have anything else to write I am jsut very, very happy about drama tonight and I thought I'd share the happiness.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy National Alpacha Day!

So, nothing of interest has happened in my world lately. I lead a rather boring life at this time, but I'm not exactly complaining boring can be good when compared to other things ;o).
Well, today mom, dad, and I went to an Alpacha farm since (supposedly) today is National Alpacha Day. It was fun, the Alpacha were so funny looking. All cute and in-your-face like. There were a couple baby ones and I absolutly L-O-V-E baby animals! If someone figured how to keep animals as babies they would make a fortune off of me ;o). Anyways, I had a fun time for most of the afternoon out although I started longing for that vow of solitude again. I was talking to Mary about nuns taking vows of solitude because I'm thinking if nuns do it then why not become a protestant nun? I thought it a rather brilliant idea. But anyways, I need to get back to reality and get my homework done.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today I've been thinking about taking a vow of solitude. That way no one could bother me, ever. Wouldn't that be lovely? I do believe I am rather sick of dealing with people, they are such annoying, complicated beings! I've also been thinking about running away to Europe and hiding from people in the Swiss Alps like Heidi's grandfather did. Now that would be heaven. Or maybe I could just move to the prairie wilderness of Wyoming and have a little log cabin away from everyone and everything.
As you can probably tell by now I have had my fill of dealing with people for the day. But alas, I cannot run away and a vow of solitude probably wouldn't work either. So heres to dealing with difficult people!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

School: the death of me.

Well, I officially ready to be done with school. See, I've been having these nightmares about my world history class, Twice I've dreamt that I slept in on a Thursday and I was late for class. The first time wzs actually my first Thurday in school and it just so happens that I did sleep in and I had like 15 mins. to get ready for class. That was awful because it was my nightmare come true which is a very terrifying feeling indeed! So the second time I had this nightmare was last night which wasn't so bad because today is Tuesday and I didn't have to get up early. But still I am almost afraid to go to school on Thursday for fear I might be late or something terrible like that. I seriously ready to drop my world history class but you know that wouldn't do :oD.
Anyways this weekend with Beth and Aj was good, very undramatic and quite calm, for which I am thankful. I know this is a hideously small post but I my mind is void of what else to write, so I shall go. :oD


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life...what shall we do with it?

So, last night was the "Christmas Musical Premiere" at choir. It was so very much fun! Besides the beyond delicious oreo truffles that pam made the music was awesome! I cannot wait to get this started, of course in two months form now I am going to be so utterly sick of Christmas music I'll wonder why I ever got excited about it. But for now I am completely PYSCHED!!
Ohhh...and *sighhhhh of relief* I worked everything out with the whole youth group skit thing. I feel really bad and kinda bummed that the youth group isn't doing the skit and even more that they didn't want to do it. But I am rather glad to have the stress of it gone, it's quite nice :o). Well, I am so bogged with homeworl this week, my world history teacher decided to smother me in the pages of that thick, thick textbook of mine. I think I'm going to do rather awful in music history, it's fun but I don't know much about music and everyone else in the class, it seems, have been studying treble clefs, bass clefs, and musical staff's since they were three. puh. On a whole though it is a fun class, despite those blasted quizzes every week. >:oP
I think I'm running out of things to talk about. I think that was probably an incorrect sentence since I presumed that I'm talking instead of writing...ohh well...if I cared I'd change it. obviously I don't :oD. Alright thats enough rambling and sputtering I suppose...


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So, I haven't written anything for three days and I am officially being run over by mega amounts of guilt for that little fact. Sadly I really have nothing new or interesting to share, although I did have a Health quiz today and I studied all the wrong things. Gotta hate that.
Ohhh among the intersting paraphanalia of my life, Beth and Aj are coming to visit this weekend. That should prove to be fun and very interesting. But I am rather excited, I have missed them dearly. Well to be honest I miss all my family that is off in far flung and distant places.
Also among interesting happenings in my life: I am frantically trying to put together a skit for big-church in like two weeks for a Sunday morning service. And I sometimes wonder why I act insane. Actually, in my rare optimistic moments I realize that this just might be fun and very fufilling. Honestly I am excited about this I just wish life was always that way we dream it will be. Once again, That is me dealing with my little world away from reality in the sheltered land of Ignorance and Bliss :oD.
I can't think of anything else to write about unless I should resort to telling you the woeful tale of how I have two more quizzes on Thursday and I am no where near ready for them and the saddest part of all is that I am sitting here writing a blog to no one in particular for no particular reason other than to ease my guilt, while downstairs there are two monsterous textbooks that I could and should be studying. Sad isn't? Especially the run-on sentence that I am not changing. Poor Mrs. Jones would be appalled.
Wel I have now come to the realization that I am rambling, which is never good, especially when I am the one doing the rambling. So I shall leave you in peace to try and untangle all the grammatical and englishlike errors I have made in this blog.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

I survived!!

Well, today I took the ACT and I have decided that either that test was made by lunatics or it's made to turn people into lunstics. I jsut about went insane doing it. My brain is completly fried. Honestly, though, I think I did okay. Math was a complete failure and so was science but I felt really good about reading and English wasn't to bad. So I figure that I'm 50% okay ;o). I felt so out of place though, there was this girl there who was taking this for the FOUTH time, so yea, I'm a senior and this is my first time. What can I say, I live in a fantasy world called "denial that I am graduating". It's a lovely little world, I must say!
Well I've had my first week of school and it's survivalable. Two of my classes are going to be heavy but they are history so hopefully it won't be to bad. My other class is just health and I think it's pretty much going to be a breeze, the teacher is fun and easy and the class material is relatively light.
Well thats all for now...

Monday, September 8, 2008

My Last Day of Summer :o(

Well I have had no brilliant thoughts since last night but I suppose I can share my last day of summer. ;o) All day I have been cleaning my room and doing all sorts of randomness getting ready for school tomorrow. I am not ready to start school! Three weekd ago I was so ready but now that it's here I am ready for summer again...we always want what we can't have I suppose :oP. This evening I had drama and it was rather fun, not that we did anything out of the ordinary it jsut happened to be fun. We are working on this super funny promo skit to do as advertisment for a big easter play that Laura is trying to get together (I know Easter is a long way off but no matter...) So anyways that whole skit is just fun to do and super silly.
This evening I sketched a picture of Trista when she was younger and not to be proud or anything but I am rather proud of it ;o). I have recently taken up differnant art hobbies just for fun and for myself. It's a great way for me to just chill out when I'm stressed or whatever. I'm not very good but I enjoy it and thas what counts and I get the distinct feeling that I am rambling on about absolutly nothing; Therefore I shall go for now.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

My first Random Thoughts

well I must admit I am no pro at blogging but I'm giving it a whirl for the fun of it. So now I guess I'm suposed to give forth brilliant thoughts that I pull from thin air. Sadly, and much to my chagrin, I have no brilliant thoughts to share at this time. Perhaps while I am sleeping tonight I will have an epiphany of brilliant thoughts to share, if so I shall indeed share!
