Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life...what shall we do with it?

So, last night was the "Christmas Musical Premiere" at choir. It was so very much fun! Besides the beyond delicious oreo truffles that pam made the music was awesome! I cannot wait to get this started, of course in two months form now I am going to be so utterly sick of Christmas music I'll wonder why I ever got excited about it. But for now I am completely PYSCHED!!
Ohhh...and *sighhhhh of relief* I worked everything out with the whole youth group skit thing. I feel really bad and kinda bummed that the youth group isn't doing the skit and even more that they didn't want to do it. But I am rather glad to have the stress of it gone, it's quite nice :o). Well, I am so bogged with homeworl this week, my world history teacher decided to smother me in the pages of that thick, thick textbook of mine. I think I'm going to do rather awful in music history, it's fun but I don't know much about music and everyone else in the class, it seems, have been studying treble clefs, bass clefs, and musical staff's since they were three. puh. On a whole though it is a fun class, despite those blasted quizzes every week. >:oP
I think I'm running out of things to talk about. I think that was probably an incorrect sentence since I presumed that I'm talking instead of writing...ohh well...if I cared I'd change it. obviously I don't :oD. Alright thats enough rambling and sputtering I suppose...


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