Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today I've been thinking about taking a vow of solitude. That way no one could bother me, ever. Wouldn't that be lovely? I do believe I am rather sick of dealing with people, they are such annoying, complicated beings! I've also been thinking about running away to Europe and hiding from people in the Swiss Alps like Heidi's grandfather did. Now that would be heaven. Or maybe I could just move to the prairie wilderness of Wyoming and have a little log cabin away from everyone and everything.
As you can probably tell by now I have had my fill of dealing with people for the day. But alas, I cannot run away and a vow of solitude probably wouldn't work either. So heres to dealing with difficult people!


KATiE said...

if you run away into solitude you must take me along. ;)

Pookie said...

but then it wouldn't be solitude. ;o)