Well, today I took the ACT and I have decided that either that test was made by lunatics or it's made to turn people into lunstics. I jsut about went insane doing it. My brain is completly fried. Honestly, though, I think I did okay. Math was a complete failure and so was science but I felt really good about reading and English wasn't to bad. So I figure that I'm 50% okay ;o). I felt so out of place though, there was this girl there who was taking this for the FOUTH time, so yea, I'm a senior and this is my first time. What can I say, I live in a fantasy world called "denial that I am graduating". It's a lovely little world, I must say!
Well I've had my first week of school and it's survivalable. Two of my classes are going to be heavy but they are history so hopefully it won't be to bad. My other class is just health and I think it's pretty much going to be a breeze, the teacher is fun and easy and the class material is relatively light.
Well thats all for now...
For Mama
12 years ago
hip, hip hurray,
hip, hip hurray,
I am so happy,
I am so happy,
I am sooooo happpppyyyy
hip, hip, hurray,
hip, hip, hurray
I am soooo haaaaaappppppyyyyyy (for you)
:) congrats you are on your way to competeing the most carefree days of your life and are heading into the most nerve wracking, stressful time--known as college, also known as the "best time of your life" ;)
Wow, you are the most encouraging person ever.
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