Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy National Alpacha Day!

So, nothing of interest has happened in my world lately. I lead a rather boring life at this time, but I'm not exactly complaining boring can be good when compared to other things ;o).
Well, today mom, dad, and I went to an Alpacha farm since (supposedly) today is National Alpacha Day. It was fun, the Alpacha were so funny looking. All cute and in-your-face like. There were a couple baby ones and I absolutly L-O-V-E baby animals! If someone figured how to keep animals as babies they would make a fortune off of me ;o). Anyways, I had a fun time for most of the afternoon out although I started longing for that vow of solitude again. I was talking to Mary about nuns taking vows of solitude because I'm thinking if nuns do it then why not become a protestant nun? I thought it a rather brilliant idea. But anyways, I need to get back to reality and get my homework done.

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